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Christmas Pine Tree 2 _edited.png

On this project 2 we are allowed to design a pavilion on a hypothetical tropical environment, any kind of environment is allowed. For us we chose small long lake in a forest, with particular characteristic ( watery, rainforest, muddy, etc.). They conduct in-depth research on architectural principles, materials' impact on spatial crafting, and tactile and tectonic aspects. The design platform must have a minimum of 70% dry construction, with optional wet construction up to 30%. It should include 30% fully enclosed space with entry points and fenestration, allowing for a comprehensive exploration of the environment and architectural concepts.

our concept for this pavilion is that we want to give the users the experience of finding a treasure (totem) in the middle of the forest that represented by the mirror façade. By the time entering the pavilion, the users are given the relaxing sound of the pounding splashy water that touches the bottom structure also the rocks behind the wood flooring. On top of that we created 2 mazes that come from left and right side as the other users from the other side of the pavilion meet and given the best view of the little waterfall, also water experience in the middle of the pavilion.

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On this project we make the project even further than project 1, because we create our own building which is our pavilion, if compared with semester 1, it is totally different because we really jump into creating a living building with considering the context. As as student this project really help me to understand how to be a real architect by this pavilion project. 

At this time I was working with kugan dan david and they have helped me to learning well also by the time our bond was stronger because of this project. Allowed us to communicate even better about our project and also daily life.

By this assignment i got TGC ( Taylors Graduate Capabilities ); life long learning, communication skills, personal competencies.

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