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Green Strategies

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Project 1: Industrialized Building System

Project 1 is a group project which is related to the topics on Industrialized Building System (IBS). Each group is required to design simple apartment units using IBS construction system. The objective of this project is to expose and engage students in a critical and analytical study of the different IBS construction methods and engage students to assessment of IBS scoring.


Because of this project , I can understand what is the main function of IBS System and how can IBS system help construction fees to be more economical and help to reduces wasted , also time consumption on site. Moreover, by working with my friends that are really responsible for this project have helped me to understand more detail of how to apply this IBS System further more by communication and looking through their part in this project assignment. 


1. Thinking and problem solving skills

Because we divide our tasks separately, so i was doing my own research. While doing the research and doing my task some information in the internet did not show a lot of things regarding the points of passive design strategies that I was searching for. Therefore I have to conduct my own studies by analyse the buildings with it's given information.


2. Communication skills

Because this project is a group work, we manage to communicate well as we arrive at the site. whether at the site or school I learned to be keen in communicating every each of problems that we facing start from ideas solving, task dividing, time managing and communicate well for every chellanges.


3. Citizenship and global perspectives

By communicating with my group mate, we have listed many ideas by the time we discuss. Appreciating each of ideas from each members group and discussed it together has brought us to our final product which is satisfying because we combine all our ideas into one. 


Project 2: Construction Solutions

Project 2 is aligned with the students’ current studio design project which aims to facilitate them in the technical studies of their design. Consists of two parts, the first part deals with the analysis and establishment of the structural and the envelope systems of the student’s design. This is to ensure that the design has logical and workable construction systems and at the same time encouraging students to include construction as part of the design and not just “tools” to build it. The second part is a continuation from the first where students need to show in the final presentation drawings of the project, evidence of the previous studies being implemented in the design. The main drawings for this part will be the detail sectional drawing of the design which is also one of the requirements of the design studio.


By this assignment I understand more that design is not just about the look, but how will it be constructed in real life and also stable for long term period of time.


1. Thinking and problem solving skills

While doing this project I have been rationally and critically analyze issues and find the solution for USJ 14 tropical weather.


2. Personal competencies

My goals for this project is to manage my time wisely and become more unselfish on how I have to design the building. Still by doing so I have designed the building and satisfied with it but still consider passive design and site condition.


3. Lifelong learning

By doing this assignment I have learned untill in the future on how to design purposely for the people not for own selfishness. 


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